Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Yesterday, my son graduated from Greek after-school. He is in kindergarten. Always in our years at the Greek school, there are elaborate ceremonies and gatherings to celebrate endings and beginnings. Each grade performed a poem, a song, or a dance. Usually the dancers are holding hands, dancing in a circle. One particular dance struck me that graduation day. In this dance, the circle was always left open. Between each series of steps, a dancer from the left side of the circle broke off and joined the dancer to his or her right. The dancers on either side of the opening would place their arm behind their backs, until that hand would join another dancer's again. This continued throughout the dance.

To leave a circle open, to even purposely and continually break it, leaves a seam of opening, that the universe, that the world, that consciousness itself is always leaving openings for us to re-enter. However broken our hearts, there is more invitation to enter in again. Keep opening the circles of your heart, widen them, let others join as trust reveals.


Blogger DebiH said...

I remember, when you mentioned this in class last week, thinking how this is like our circle of friends that gathers to knit at the coffee shop. As we sit over a long afternoon, people will come into our circle ... some for a snack, some to knit or crochet with us, friends and acquaintances just to chat, some who don't know us are drawn to us out of curiosity ("What are you making?"). They are part of our circle for a short time and then depart; and another will come in to take their place. Like all relationship circles, they expand and contract ... they "join hands with us for a while" and then move on.

May 31, 2010 at 8:18 PM  

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